Special Education Training Package - Getting Calm and Attentive Kids Back in the Classroom - 25% Commission


The #1 concern for all special ed teachers is students who cannot regulate their behaviour in the classroom. COVID made things worse with students coming back to school in worse condition, having regressed in both social skills and cognitive skills.

To quote a special ed director we spoke to last week: "I have never seen in my 40-year career neither the extent of these extreme behaviours I am seeing now, nor the number of students who have issues" Special education directors are under tremendous pressure to 1) recruit new staff and 2) retain existing staff by making their jobs easier and more rewarding. In both situations, teachers will need something different to solve this growing problem.

What we offer special ed directors is a training package for their teachers that gives them method of getting kids to calm down and be attentive for about an hour, in just a couple of minutes in the morning, with no special equipment. We call it the Mendability minute.

We give it away! Then they are so excited about that free training that they want to see what else we have. And, usually, getting them to pay $6,000 for 10 teachers to certify in our method is pretty easy.

What kind of agent is suited to this opportunity?

We are looking for sales professionals who understand the struggles of a teacher, especially those who work with children with special needs, and invested in making a difference. 


  • Territory: Global
  • Agent type: Independent sales agent
  • Leads provided: No leads provided
  • Commission: 25.00%
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