Remote Medical Service For Employees - Global Corporate Sales Opportunity - Leads Provided


Led by senior clinicians - our company saves businesses huge time, resources and expense by connecting their workforce to our powerful on-demand network of General Practitioners (GPs) network.

Sickness and absenteeism costs companies all over the world, fortunes in lost productivity every single year.  Now, London Osteoporosis Clinic, provide you private doctor consultations directly through your smartphone, tablet, computer (with camera) or over the phone.

It’s a highly efficient way of seeing specially trained doctors in a virtual consultation wherever the user may be. No long trips back home and waiting for hours to be seen.

Our doctors can issue prescriptions, repeat prescriptions, sick notes, well notes, referrals and much more, directly via the device being used. The user's medical notes are stored directly within their account and can even be sent directly to their local GP instantly.  If necessary the patient can be referred to specialist care (without the need to go to see their NHS GP).

We're now looking to partner with independent sales professionals who can introduce us to companies that are looking to save a fortune on instances of absenteeism and sickness where the person would usually have to leave the office for an extended period of time.

What kind of agent is suited to this opportunity?

We're looking to form long-term working partnerships with self-employed sales professionals who are passionate about our vision for the future of the industry. Ideally we're looking for agents who are comfortable selling into C-Level executives and HR departments.

If you already do business with any type of company, you'll be able to sell our service to your existing networks easily.


  • Territory: Global
  • Agent type: Independent sales agent
  • Leads provided: Warm leads provided
  • Commission: 10.00%
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