E-marketing sales opportunity targeting different industries with commission percentage 25 %


At VATFUNNEL, we excel at providing innovative and customized digital marketing solutions for the aesthetic medicine and beauty clinics sector in France. With in-depth experience and a deep understanding of the market, we understand the unique challenges clinics face in attracting new patients and increasing their digital presence.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services including managing and creating Facebook and Snapchat ad campaigns, market analysis, competitor analysis, comprehensive analysis of client sites with recommendations for performance improvement, and marketing automation. We help our clients accurately identify their target audience and develop effective digital marketing strategies that deliver tangible results.

Our clients choose to work with us because we believe in true partnership, working hand in hand with our clients to achieve their marketing goals and increase their revenue. In addition, we provide detailed analytical reports that demonstrate performance and provide continuous recommendations for improvement, ensuring that we are always on the right track to success.

What kind of agent is suited to this opportunity?

We are looking for an independent sales professional with extensive experience in digital marketing

Experience in the target market:

Has a deep understanding of the French market, with a good knowledge of the challenges and opportunities

Strong communication and negotiation skills:

Able to build strong relationships with clients, with excellent negotiation and persuasion skills.

Consultative approach:

Acts as a trusted advisor to the client, understanding their needs and seeking to provide tailored solutions that enhance their success.

Proven results:

Has a proven track record of success in generating leads and closing deals, with the ability to consistently achieve sales targets.

Self-motivated and results-oriented:

Is a self-motivated individual who works independently, focused on achieving tangible results for myself and my clients.

Flexible and adaptable:

Able to adapt to a rapidly changing and growing business environment, with the flexibility to deal with different market challenges.


  • Territory: Global
  • Agent type: Independent sales agent
  • Leads provided: No leads provided
  • Commission: 25.00%
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